7 Warning signs for men's health: kidneys and prostate at risk


Men beware: these 7 worrying signs about your kidneys and prostate that you may not be aware of

The article in brief

This article looks at the warning signs and prevention of male urological problems, highlighting the importance of increased vigilance. The article in brief:

  • Seven warning signs are detailed, including urinary changes and the unexplained fatigue
  • A screening table recommends examinations according to age
  • From prevention tips are provided, such as a proper hydration and a regular physical activity
  • The article stresses the personal responsibility in men's health

Men's health is a subject particularly close to my heart as a neurologist. Over the years, I've noticed that many men neglect the warning signals sent out by their bodies, particularly when it comes to the kidneys and prostate. Allow me to share with you the seven most common warning signs that I observe in my daily practice.

Warning signs not to be ignored

1. Changes in urinary habits If you notice an increase in the frequency of urination, particularly at night, or difficulty in passing urine, it's time to seek medical advice. These symptoms may indicate a prostate or kidney problem.

2. Lower back pain or discomfort Persistent pain in this area can be a sign of a kidney problem. I recently treated a patient who had been ignoring this pain for months, thinking it was just backache.

3. Blood in urine This symptom, even if it occurs only once, requires immediate attention. It may indicate an infection, kidney stones or, in rare cases, cancer.

4. Erectile dysfunction Prostate cancer: Although often associated with other health problems, it can also be an early sign of prostate problems.

5. Unexplained fatigue If your kidneys are not working properly, you may feel very tired. Don't confuse this with simple overwork.

6. Swollen ankles or feet This symptom may indicate that your kidneys are not filtering fluids from your body properly.

7. Changes in the appearance of urine Foamy or dark urine may be a sign of a kidney or prostate problem.

I remember one patient who came to see me after ignoring several of these symptoms for months. Thanks to early intervention, we were able to treat his prostate problem effectively. That's why I can't stress enough the importance of being extra vigilant.

Prevention and screening: your best allies

Prevention plays a crucial role in men's health. Here is a summary table of recommended screening tests:

Age Recommended examination Frequency
From age 50 Prostate cancer screening (PSA) Annual
All ages Kidney test (blood creatinine) Every 2-3 years
From the age of 40 Full urological check-up Every 5 years

In addition to these reviews, I highly recommend :

  • Proper hydration
  • A balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables
  • Regular physical activity
  • Reducing alcohol consumption and stopping smoking

Remember: your health is your responsibility. As a specialist, I can guide you, but it's up to you to listen to your body and take the necessary measures. Don't hesitate to seek advice if you have the slightest doubt. Your men's health deserves your full attention.

7 Warning signs for men's health: kidneys and prostate at risk

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